Kings of Cannabis
Kings of Cannabis
Living Life Rolling High
Living Life Rolling High
Mimosa For Breakfast
Mimosa For Breakfast
It is human nature to compare ourselves; to other people, to fictional characters; celebrities; but also your previous self and the expectation of your future self. And yet we know (or if you don’t, I’m going to keep writing) that comparison is the thief of joy and a seed of stress. The motherboard of our control lies within which attitude, which frame of mind, we use to modify that behavior. Our choice comes in the attitude with which we approach the stress.
Normality is the best example. We try and compare ourselves to the society around us on a spectrum of where we think it should be. "Normal", in many cultures, is having eggs for breakfast; Normal is having plates or bowls or trays to eat from. Normal is someone sometimes needing glasses to see. Normal is knowing to push the elevator button to call it to your floor.
Normal for me is all of those things, but it’s also Mimosa for breakfast. I love the citrus flavor, in everything, but especially as something that passes so gently over my taste buds. You can almost feel the bubbles of productivity rising to the surface.
Emotionally, I like to think I’m a pretty hands-on type of person. I ask the hard questions. I’m not afraid of eye contact. But that boldness takes a toll on other parts of my consciousness. I'm more shy in other areas of my life and I tend to regularly anguish over inconsequential decisions. Mimosa helps me prioritize that the tiny details are not worth sweating over, and my time is better spent being high and moving the mountains of stigma.
What We're Stoked About: Panama Red
How does the Cannabis Community interact and engage with your community? We'd love to hear from you!
A Love Letter to GrandaddyPurple
A Love Letter to GrandaddyPurple
You are the strong old man with the wise words and soft hands and a voice not loud but receiving respect upon existence. The sage conscious of time and experience.
You are the comfort of linoleum kitchens, tablecloths and the best damn mashed potatoes and gravy you have ever had in your life.
You are classy, and smooth, and I breathe you like most people breathe a fine red wine. Fruity, with hints of sweet pine.
You demonstrate patience with me on my bad days, and you always seem to help me pull myself out of my own head, see the bigger picture. My goals somehow feel softer too, less tangible but more achievable. Lifting the weight of your own expectations.
GDP tells me I deserve to love my body, to be patient and forgive myself. It helps me breath through pain most people go to sleep for. “Be strong”, it whispers, “you are absolutely worthy of love; you are absolutely justified in loving yourself.”
What We're Stoked About: Daybreak 1:1 Cartridge
(I just love those productive, citrus vibes)
Stay tuned for the webinar Access Cannabis coming up THIS THURSDAY on August 8th!
FREE Registration:
How does the Cannabis Community interact and engage with your community? We'd love to hear from you!
A Love Letter to GrandaddyPurple
A Love Letter to GrandaddyPurple
You are the strong old man with the wise words and soft hands and a voice not loud but receiving respect upon existence. The sage conscious of time and experience.
You are the comfort of linoleum kitchens, tablecloths and the best damn mashed potatoes and gravy you have ever had in your life.
You are classy, and smooth, and I breathe you like most people breathe a fine red wine. Fruity, with hints of sweet pine.
You demonstrate patience with me on my bad days, and you always seem to help me pull myself out of my own head, see the bigger picture. My goals somehow feel softer too, less tangible but more achievable. Lifting the weight of your own expectations.
GDP tells me I deserve to love my body, to be patient and forgive myself. It helps me breath through pain most people go to sleep for. “Be strong”, it whispers, “you are absolutely worthy of love; you are absolutely justified in loving yourself.”
What We're Stoked About: Daybreak 1:1 Cartridge
(I just love those productive, citrus vibes)
Stay tuned for the webinar Access Cannabis coming up THIS THURSDAY on August 8th!
FREE Registration:
How does the Cannabis Community interact and engage with your community? We'd love to hear from you!
There’s No Place like the DisCo
The Overlap of Independent Living and Cannabis
There’s No Place like the DisCo
The Overlap of Independent Living and Cannabis
There is no way I can describe the drug-like dopamine affect the National Conference on Independent Living conference has on my soul.
I’ve always been in the disabled community, or the DisCo - I was born with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy and some of my earliest memories are at camp or MDA events. I grew up knowing that I had this community, but thinking little of the glue that held it together. I thought it was purely by circumstance that I was engaging with these people. It’s not that I didn’t want to, I just didn’t know what I had in common with them, other than being disabled.
There came a moment sometime in my late teens/early twenties where I realized I was in love with the rush that came with going to a conference. Kinda lame, I know; but if you think about it, why wouldn’t I love conferences? They are full of people who are there for the same reason, because they are interested in learning similar things as you - it is a mecca for exploring common interests, networking; you know it’s a good conference when you come out tired but more fulfilled than when you went in.
The NCIL conference is roughly 2500 people, coming together to convene on how we can push education, healthcare, disability rights and so much more onto a world that doesn’t seem ready for us. The rush that comes with knowing this community, these people, and that they have your back - you can be whoever you need to be in the DisCo, and we will adapt. #NCIL19 #NCILIgnite
Until recently, I’ve never been to a conference that mirrored that same feeling of joy and acceptance and understanding...until I went to a cannabis conference. The #WomenGrow conference held so many of the opportunities I appreciate about the NCIL conference; open, genuinely curious networking. People collaborating and connecting purely to open doors and meet cool people. While everyone wants something, you all recognize you can best achieve that together, because the goals are co-dependent on other goals. Not every conference fosters the inclusion of community; no one smoked the social punch but everyone wanted to engage with others.
Obviously this happens at other conferences, but rarely do you get the blanketed acceptance that comes in knowing you are a part of a community that feels to you like home, but may not be in the spectrum of everyone else’s lives. This has only made me want to connect with the Cannabis Community more, because the feelings of inclusion and accessibility can be grown to include anyone, regardless of how or why you are in the Cannabis Community. While I was disappointed not to see #WomenGrow talk about disabled women or have speakers with visible disabilities, they do have potential, and most importantly they hold the door open to anyone who may benefit from going green. I applaud that, and hope to widen the door for more disabled advocates, patients, growers and sellers who want to *dab*ble.
In the meantime though, I get ready for my favorite event of the year. The NCIL conference brings thousands of disabled advocates from across the world, all hoping to make the world a little more accessible, and knowing they have to keep learning and adjusting to accommodations both for themselves and others. I eventually hope to bring these communities together, because personally, I never think you should underestimate the value of teamwork, holistic medicine, and motivated activists.
What We're Stoked About: Mimosa & Royal Medic CBD
Those citrus vibes hold me down, and the Royal Medic allows me to numb my pain, anxiety, and most blissfully, sleep.
Stay tuned for the webinar Access Cannabis coming up on August 8th!
How does the Cannabis Community interact and engage with your community? We'd love to hear from you!
The Case for Mindful Medication
The Case for Mindful Medication
Since resigning from my job this past May, and post-spring ADAPT action, I'm finding myself with more unstructured time on my hands.
The weather is gorgeous (minus the occasional hail) and the seasonal depression shell is slowly starting to strip away. I'm growing my independent career as a Professional Disability Consultant (access needs, media representation...and cannabis advocacy), as well as engaging in other opportunities. Even with this flexible schedule and additional rest there are some aches and pains that just don't leave.
I'm hard on myself, and my standards vary little, even on my weakest days. This means working on something through hunger, pain, fatigue, and it can draw energy and productivity away from the task at hand. Being Mindfully Medicated allows me to eat when I'm supposed to, so that I can gain back some of the weight that I've lost this year. It allows me to work through pain in a more relaxed, less constrained state of discomfort - it allows me to be more present, mindful. It calms my anxiety as I navigate the metro amid the worker bees and summer tourists of DC.
People have started to tell me I look happier, thinner, glowing and more open*, and yet only some understand that this is like starting a prescription and ending up with your whole lifestyle changed for the better.
What We're Stoked About: Clementine, District Cannabis
Taken with a breakfast of strawberries, blackberries, Greek yogurt and homemade granola, sipping this strain added a citrus-y, light but clear-headed feeling that complemented the fruity vibes and warm weather ahead.
Stay tuned for my post next week as I write about attending the Women Grow Conference and how they are representing #AccessibleCannabiz
*A gentle reminder that thin should not be used as compliment.
Triple Cherry Diesel
v. Jack Herer
Triple Cherry Diesel
v. Jack Herer
I had almost 90% THC cart of Herer, and I was stoked ;) with excitement. That strain made me feel like every single one of my pains, physical and emotional, were just put at bay, and the most peaceful thing in the world was to breathe and be still and be. My back muscles had decided that resistance was futile, and relaxed into a state of a tingly, almost bubbly bliss.
Triple Cherry Diesel flower isn’t that, but it’s close and to be honest, tastes better. Don’t let the Diesel fool you, Triple times the Cherry is what’s on the tongue. When grinding, try not to let it dry out, it looses its potency much more discernibly than other strains.
Just get ready for a slightly tart cherry pie that takes you on a journey of productiveness, with that same feeling of suspended time - now with motivated potential.
Frequent High-er Card
Frequent High-er Card
Thank you National Holistic for being the go-between on getting the medical card. After stocking up around St. Patrick's Day, and taking advantage of the shamrock sale, I've been trying the Green Love Potion, while also falling back in love with GDP. To be honest, I still prefer the old romance - GDP entices you more into a "simply smiling" mood, with the occasional giggles and frequent tangents of fantasy. Green Love Potion had me bouncing more than normal anxieties around the tennis court of my brain, while kind of just being mediocre in terms of pain control and tingly. Not as impressed as I had hoped to be. Ahhhh well *exhales*😉🌬
Def-Can Get You High
Def-Can Get You High
In hot pursuit of my search for the perfect strain, and because DC Dep. Heath needs to step up their game in the Medical re-certification process, I was seeking other options. A beaming friend sauntered in, me not even finished brewing coffee, to show me this:
A weed delivery service run by all Deaf Employees. I was hooked, and five hours later, I had an amazing piece of Deaf artwork, learned a new sign and was becoming gleefully productive with the help of some *generous* Sour Tangie. Sweet, citrus-y and with a lovely boost to my good vibes and mentality to "get shit done".
Getting Carded
Getting Carded
Step it up DC. It's taken over six weeks for the DC Department of Health to process my medical MJ card - and that's after $200 worth of registration fees were lost. Thank goodness for National Holistic, because the disjointed nature of the DCDH makes the process super dizzying, not to mention frustrating. My dispensary stepped in and advocated on my behalf and finally the department identified that I had paid, but I'm not made of green (the money or the herb), and neither are many of the circles that could benefit from cannabis - so why is the process so convoluted?
Pepe Le Puff
Pepe Le Puff
In a desperate attempt to get those good vibes, I reached out to a friend to hook me up with their herbalist. Pepe Le Puff comes late and a little (a lot) stoned, but has enthusiasm for his craft. He could work on his access knowledge, but promised to deliver (literally) if there is an event I couldn't get to. In the meantime, his OG Kush is potent and slightly world-altering, with a definite side of the munchies, and I'll be sure to dive in again soon.
Our First Blog Entry
Our First Blog Entry
January 15, 2019
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